Archive: » 2013 » May

LuXuria Under Attack

LuXuria Under Attack

Kinbaku LuXuria is under attack! 5 blocked accounts on Facebook, pictures, flyers and links reported daily even in secret groups dedicated to bondage... Whats going on? It is well known that the world of Bondage is highly competitive and full of envious people. Denunciation on facebook seems to be one of the favorite methods that some suckers use to bother their competitors. We always had to face this problem but now things are getting worse and worse. It is a daily attack to anything we publish, each picture, each link, each flyer. On one side it's a proof of how well we are doing. It is no mystery...


Report from Moscow Knot

Report from Moscow Knot

This is our report from Moscow Knot 2013, the first edition of what has been probably one of the greatest rope event of this year, featuring on stage some incredible artists including Naka Akira for the first time performing out of Japan. We really don’t know where to start from to describe all the emotions of this incredible long weekend. The Moscow Knot was organized by Vlada, Falco and Torquemada. Three splendid and friendly guys that took very good care of all the guests during the three days of the Festival. We arrived quite late in the night before the beginning of the Festival and slept...